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Discover how SOC 2 Reports enhance AI Readiness and compliance, boosting your business growth and credibility. Ensure data security and client trust.
AI has been one of the hottest topics among organizations across all industries for several years. Rightfully so — the tool has become a time-saver and valuable resource, simplifying once time-consuming tasks with the hit of a button. 
Stay ahead with the latest changes to Title IV Institutions: new financial and administrative requirements starting July 1, 2024. Learn what's needed for compliance.
Learn how tax credits and deductions like 179D, 45L, and the Rehabilitation Credit can offset costs, improve cash flow, and promote energy efficiency in real estate and construction.

Change is happening in the professional services industry. Today, 51% of small business owners in the U.S. are age 55 or older. Based on demographics alone, the exit strategies for most of these business owners will come into play in the next 10 years. With anestimated total value of more than $6 trillion, the impending business transitions will be the largest generational wealth transfer in history.


The commercial real estate market continues to adjust to shifting office space needs since the pandemic. Even as employers implement return-to-office (RTO) policies, in-office work hours are 30% lower than pre-pandemic norms and projected to remain there.

Master the critical soft skills required for not-for-profit leadership. From listening to conflict resolution, this guide helps you develop the skills to lead with empathy and impact.

Stay updated on July 2024 minimum wage changes across various states. Our comprehensive list aids businesses in navigating payroll complexities and staying compliant with evolving wage and tax regulations.

Discover the benefits of integrating ERP and HRIS systems for enhanced efficiency, data accuracy, streamlined processes, and improved decision-making. Learn how this integration elevates HR management and delivers a better employee experience.
Business owners with pending Employee Retention Credit claims: Understand your legal avenues to expedite refunds with our comprehensive guidance.
Stay informed on the Supreme Court's latest decision upholding the Mandatory Repatriation Tax and its effects on U.S. taxation laws and financial regulations.
Stay informed about the Department of Labor's new overtime rule and its impact on salaried workers. Ensure your HR and payroll processes comply with federal regulations.