Lisa is a Managing Director at CBIZ Marks Paneth and leads the Trade Remedies, Forensics, Litigation and Valuation Services practice. She also leads a team of CPAs, financial analysts, and data analysts with extensive experience in forensic and fraud investigations, calculation of economic damages, business valuations, business consulting, trade remedies consulting, and calculation of customs duty interest payments. Lisa is instrumental in developing strategic development initiatives to enhance client servicing for this practice and manages its ongoing growth.
Lisa has more than 25 years of experience in trade remedies and litigation support consulting to counsel for a variety of manufacturing industries in both market economy and non-market economies worldwide. Specifically, she has worked on anti-dumping (AD) matters governed by the U.S. Department of Commerce, the European Union Commission, and the People's Republic of China and the Departamento de Defesa Comercial in Brazil. Lisa has performed extensive computer-based dumping margin analyses and has worked with clients to prepare price monitoring systems. She has also worked on World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement testimony and customs compliance engagements. Lisa has led her team in the development of compliance software designed to assist in the monitoring of U.S. export compliance rules, and provided training on AD-related topics, including relevant programming skills, for clients, counsel and in-house.
Lisa’s background also includes experience serving as a computer capacity planner for the US Department of Justice and serving in the US Air Force.