Loss Control Assessment for Employment Practices Liability - CBIZ

Loss Control Assessment for Employment Practices Liability

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One Out of Every Five Civil Court Cases is an Employment-Related Lawsuit

Employment practices liability (EPL) is a growing area of concern for organizations across the country. Lawsuits related to employment practices are on the rise. It is important to take the proper steps to mitigate your organization's risk in this area as lawsuits can be costly and time-consuming. 

What's more, EPL claims pose a serious risk to an organization's stability, reputation and bottom line. In fact, the average cost of defending and settling an employment law case is $160,000. No organization is immune to these exposures. Claims can be related to: 

 - Wrongful Termination

- Discrimination

- Breach of Contract

- Retaliation

- Mismanagement of Employee Benefit Plans

A proactive approach to risk management goes a long way toward protecting organizations from employment practices liability claims. This questionnaire is designed to help your organization assess how adequate its loss control programs are by examining common employment-related exposures and the techniques, policies and procedures that can be applied to control these exposures.