Construction Cost Review

Construction Cost Review

With construction comes expense. Your company wants to be sure the cost of a project—regardless of its size or complexity—accurately reflects the work being conducted. CBIZ construction cost review and consulting services help ensure you only pay for the services and materials dictated by the terms of your construction contract.

Reviewing your contract requires an understanding of construction costs and building projects, which we've honed from our years of serving the construction industry. We can get involved early in the process to identify potential issues, review contract documents and lend our construction acumen to the cost negotiation process.


Construction Cost Review Solutions

  • Reviews construction contract language to ensure contracts include clear and transparent language regarding reimbursable project costs versus non-reimbursable project costs;
  • Analyzes proposed construction budgets, including general conditions, allowances, and contingencies;
  • Analyzes labor rates, equipment rental rates, payment applications, “buyout” items, change order requests, insurance costs including self-insured programs and other project-related costs to verify they are in accordance with the terms of the contract;
  • Determines the adequacy of contractors’ cost reporting systems;
  • Determines any credits due and whether they have been properly applied; and
  • Helps identify and implement risk mitigating internal controls.

The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) may delay ongoing construction projects. Here are some steps project owners can take to minimize cost and further delays to their current construction projects. 

Many universities closed their campuses well in advance of the end of the semester in efforts to protect students and faculty from the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few things you can do even if campuses are closed. 

Risk management teams innovated and adjusted – and in a hurry – during the mass migration to the remote work environment.

Marvin L. Johnson

Managing Director
